Old, Rusty Oil Lamp Turned into a Beautiful Candle Holder
One of my favorite things to do is go on a girls’ trip with my best friend Kayla, Cindy, Tricia, and Amanda. It is a time for us to get away, relax, and enjoy some quality girl time.
For the past couple of years, we have made it our tradition to head down to Paducah, Ky., rent the cutest Air BnB, and shop until we drop! There is also some awesome food involved!
There is one place in Paducah, actually a place called Boaz, right outside Paducah, that is the sole reason we travel down there. Some may look at it as a junkyard full of used and old items, but to Kayla, it is a place full of hidden treasures. Kayla always finds something she can transform. It's hard to believe this candle holder was a rusted oil lamp.
What place am I talking about? It’s “Anything Goes Trading Company,” the best place to fill all your junking needs! As they say, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”
We always come home with a truckload of goodies. I can honestly say, Kayla is great at creating a masterpiece from anything -- just like she did with this rusted oil lamp, turned candle holder. That girl has talent!
Watch the video below to see Kayla create a cute candle holder out of an old, rusted oil lamp that she bought at “Anything Goes Trading Company” a couple years ago.
We go to junkyards, thrift stores, and flea markets and pay for the rust, and the worn-look on items. Why pay for something brand new when you can find items with natural wear and tear, spruce it up a little, and transform it into a piece of artwork? All you need is a vision, and you can turn almost anything into an amazing piece of décor. I have seen Kayla do just that for many years!
Old oil lamps, electric lamps, and large wooden spindles make great candle holders. Keep your eyes open the next time you're junkin'.
Be sure to visit The Celebration Co. for great crafting kits, supplies and custom-designed scrapbook paper by Kayla and Cindy, available in both digital and printed options.
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